The U.S. Department of Labor is sending out a call to employers across the nation. The goal? To gather insights on fostering an inclusive and impactful safety culture within workplaces. Released this Tuesday, the announcement is a testament to the Department’s commitment to reducing workplace injuries and fatalities, and increasing worker engagement in safety programs.

The Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is spearheading the effort, casting a wide net to garner unique perspectives on how businesses can break down barriers to safety. These barriers range from financial constraints to social norms and behavioral aspects. By exploring these dimensions, OSHA aims to understand how organizational cultures can truly foster safety.
To facilitate a productive conversation, OSHA has outlined a series of questions:
  1. What core values shape your organization?
  2. Does your organization prioritize safety and health in its value system?
  3. Could you share a real-world example that illustrates your commitment to safety and health while at work?
  4. Does your organization actively promote safety and health in the workplace? If so, how?
  5. How has your organization’s safety and health needs evolved over time?
Doug Parker, Assistant Secretary for Occupational Safety and Health, passionately urged both employers and employees to share their experiences. “Effective business operators listen to workers and align company values with best safety practices to keep people safe. Those who do improve job quality, reduce costs for medical care and lost time, and make theirs a place people want to work.” Parker shared in his statement.
This is an opportunity for you to voice your thoughts, to share your success stories, and even express your concerns about what needs to be improved. Your valuable insights can help shape safety and health programs across the nation, contributing to safer and healthier workplaces.
You can submit your answers online at OSHA’s Feedback Portal until Nov. 30. Let’s work together to build a culture of safety in our workplaces.